
And then God said,
Let there be France
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.
Acts 17.24-26, ESV
Join us in our French Reformation projects
1. Christocentrique.com
Sunday School
Through Christocentrique.com we offer a free, online, walk-through-the-Bible curriculum for three age groups that is used weekly by the global Francophone church.
We are the only French website which is organized around the major doctrines of systematic theology, offering 50+ pages of Scriptural foundations to ground new and young French believers in sound doctrine.
Global impact
French is a global language and there is a global impact to be had in proclaiming Scripture on social media through Christocentrique.com
2. French Youth Camp
A huge portion of French youth are being swallowed alive by p*rn, drugs, gender confusion, broken families, and all manner of radical ideologies. And French Christian camp has proven to be a lighthouse in the darkness.
Make a gift for a new camp here
3. Calvin's Chair
Join together with others in your church to bless your pastor with a replica artwork carving of Jean Calvin's chair from 1536 which is a fundraiser for our French youth camp.
4. Safe House/
Retreat House
A place of rest, restoration, and blessing for French ministry couples and missionaries.
5. All things France & French Culture
France is an unequivocal hot mess of glory and tragedy all at the same time. We are here to celebrate the good and bring light & truth to the darkness.
We are here to help you love France, pray for France, learn French, learn French culture and motivate you to move here for the Kingdom.
Life is short
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Introduce us to your church
Order a CalvinsChair.com gift for your pastor
Tell your Francophile friends about us
Plan a vision trip