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Without counsel plans fail,
but with many advisers they succeed.
Proverbs 15:22

Les projets échouent, faute d’une assemblée qui délibère ;
Mais ils réussissent quand il y a de nombreux conseillers

Proverbes 15.22

Why Coach with us?


We moved our young family to France

when the kids were only  6, 4 & 1.

We attended Albertville Language School.

We had three more children born in France.

We completely renovated

an old French house.

We obtained dual nationality

& second passports.

We are raising six children in French schools

from elementary to university level.

We also have Coaching Mastery level training with Creative Results Management and were happy to help.


What would you like to learn about?

1. Moving to France

Cultural adaptation

Visas & la carte de séjour

How to find rentals

How to buy

Work, school & social life

Shopping in France

Insurance, banking & admin

2. Moving to Paris

Life in Paris

Choosing an arrondisement

How to find an apartment

Transportation & shopping

Raising kids in Paris

3. Language School

Albertville Language School

Paris-Massy Language School

Attending language school with kids

4. Maternity

What to expect


Les sages-femmes

French Hospitals

Birthing Clinics

Birth certificates



5. Raising Children in France

French public school


School insurance

French grading

Communicating with teachers

Learning disabilities & autism

TCK (Third Culture Kid) issues

After school activities

School vacations

Pitfalls to avoid

How to do it right

6. Buying or renovating a house?

Where to begin

French construction methods

Building permits

Energy efficiency

Working with Artisans/Contractors

Coaching session with an architect

Running an Airbnb in France

Coaching session with a Superhost

7. Citizenship

What to expect

How to prepare your dossier

Everybody needs somebody

Schedule a Coaching session with us

1. Reserve a 1 hour time-slot


2. Make a $100 donation to French Reformation


3. After donation confirmation, we'll send you a Zoom link.

What are you waiting for?

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Sign up to Pray for France


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Set up a coaching call

Plan a vision trip

Buy property in France

Vive la France

Soli Deo Gloria


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