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Ministry Needs in France

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Matthew 9:37-38
Alors il dit à ses disciples : La moisson est grande, mais il y a peu d’ouvriers. Priez donc le maître de la moisson d’envoyer des ouvriers dans sa moisson.
Matthieu 9.37-38

France needs

Christ-centered, reformed protestants

who love france









1. Old Churches




In the next 10 years, there will be a massive retirement wave of 1,000 French pastors. Do you have the experience, gifting, diplomacy, and perseverance required to pastor a French church? Probably not.









2. New Churches




The French CNEF has set a goal to plant 1 church within the reach of every population center of 10,000 people. This will require nearly 4,000 new churches to reach this goal. Do you have what it takes to assemble a team, raise the funding, and shed your blood, sweat, and tears to see a church planted?

I hope you like statistics, because you will most likely become one.








3. Camp staff




Thanks to the school vacation calendar and the openness of French youth, camp ministry can be highly effective in France. Do you have what it takes to help us start a new camp on the most unreached stretch of western coastline, where believers number 1/10th of 1 percent? Though you will be surrounded with beautiful beaches, pristine waters, surfing, biking, fresh oysters, and great restaurants, you will not survive unless you have a lot of grit and no quit.









4. University Fellowship




There are hundreds of French campuses with no university Christian fellowship. Come and make disciples in the land of Decartes, Voltaire, Sartre, Camus, & Dany Boon. It will also help if you have a passion for apologetics, ethics, politics, European football, film, music, wine, beer, grilled saucis', coffee & chocolate.







Study Abroad in France









5. Christian Schools




In an environment where home-schooling is illegal and private schools are rare and underfunded, your willingness to teach/staff a Christian school in France will be one of the hardest and most important ministries you've ever done.













6. Kingdom Real Estate




If God has blessed you with financial resources, what better way to fast track a church plant than by purchasing a small boutique hotel?



1. A small hotel property managed by a French pastoral couple would allow them to provide for their financial support.



2. It would provide a stable meeting space for the church plant, which is very hard to come by in France. 



3. You could bless the church plant by providing a lease-purchase contract, because many French churches cannot obtain traditional financing through banks.









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